Daily Safety Tips to Cover Common Errors And Issues Encountered Every Week
Does your home have an electrical panel made by Zinsco or Federal Pacific Electric? You should know that these two companies lost their UL listing. UL provides certification on the safety of a product. These two manufacturers were found to have mass produced breakers that fail to trip when overloaded. Meaning that either the breaker would remain in the on position when it should be automatically tripping. Or, they are know to remain on even when a person manually puts the breaker in the off position. These two panels are a huge hazard. There are plenty of articles and studies done on these, and we encourage you to do your own research. Whether it is with us or another company, please consider having a new panel installed in your home. We would be happy to help you determine if your homes electrical panel is safe and running efficiently. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

A very common safety concern Hometown Electric encounters every week is the way many switches and outlets are wired in homes. The method shown in the photo is referred to as “back stabbing”. Most devices come with the option of pushing the wires into holes on the back of each unit. Inside this hole is two pieces of metal that create a pressure clamp. Though this is permitted by code, any electrician worth your time and money will never use this method. The problem with this method is over time the wire becomes loose. The switch is turned on and off several times a day. The plug in the outlet is pulled out over and over. With electrical work, loose equals heat. That heat will slowly start to char the wires and the device itself. With the device being inside of your wall, you will have no idea this is occurring. If you have any concerns related to your homes electrical system, call us and schedule an appointment.
Discoloration in your electrical panel is often a sign of a surge in your home. Though many instantly think of a nearby lightning strike, a surge actually occurs in your home thousands of times a day. A surge is simply a sudden spike in electricity. So each time your dryer, refrigerator, microwave, HVAC and any other device is turned on, a surge occurs. Clearly, the level of surge is what ultimately determines if it is or could be a hazard. Surges in your home can damage thousands of dollars of electronics. By installing a Home Surge Protector, you are giving those surges a path back to earth. A surge protector affixes to its own breaker inside of your panel. It then essentially takes those spikes in electricity and grounds them. It’s an added peace of mind that should be in every home. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

The exhaust fan in your bathroom should be checked often. The build up of dust and debris can accumulate on top of the motor. The attic insulation can also build up in some circumstances. This can create a hazard in your home. If your fan is in need of replacement, there are many options. You can upgrade the size of the fan which in turn moves more air. Other options and features include built in LED lights and the amount of noise the fan makes is outlined with each fan. Let us know if you would like our help in updating your exhaust fans. Call us today for an appointment.
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors are available in wireless/interconnected models now. Though a “hard wired” version maybe required by code in your area, these make for great added security in many locations of your home. They are battery powered with long life batteries, and they interconnect. This means if your alarm is set off in the living room, it then sends a signal to all other detectors in your home. Each alarm will sound, ensuring your notified of the alert. If you would like your home evaluated for wired and wireless smoke detectors, carbon detectors, or combination units call us today!

Extension cords are convenient, but are only supposed to be used as a temporary fix. This charging base shown to the left was powered by an extension cord. It ran across a room and laid over a portion of a bed. The charging base is charred and the metal prong also began to develop a defect towards the base. The bed also had a 1 foot section that became black from the heat. Installing an additional outlet or USB outlet could have prevented this dangerous set up. If you have a need for additional outlets, or would like to learn what your options are, call us today to schedule an appointment.
Extension cords are convenient, but are only supposed to be used as a temporary fix. This charging base shown to the left was powered by an extension cord. It ran across a room and laid over a portion of a bed. The charging base is charred and the metal prong also began to develop a defect towards the base. The bed also had a 1 foot section that became black from the heat. Installing an additional outlet or USB outlet could have prevented this dangerous set up. If you have a need for additional outlets, or would like to learn what your options are, call us today to schedule an appointment.

Did you know there is a National Electric Code? It sets the standards and requirements for all electrical aspects. One area covered states any component of the internal parts of your electrical panel will not be contaminated or damaged with foreign materials. This includes paint, plaster, cleaners and abrasives or corrosive residue. A common mistake contractors make while building or remodeling a home is unintentionally spraying paint or other material into the electrical panel. This can cause hazards conditions and costly repairs to you as the homeowner. Call us today to have your panel inspected, or to ask any questions you might have about electrical concerns. We would love to help you in any way possible!
According to Firerecruit.com, most house fires occur due to faulty outlets, switches and appliances. Updating your homes outlets and light switches (Devices), you can not only improve the look and functionality, but also make your home safer. It’s a small investment to make for the benefits you gain. Have your home evaluated and see if a Re-device is service is recommended for you. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Sometimes doing it yourself isn’t the best option. Some projects start out simple in theory, but end up being much more involved than originally believed. When dealing with electricity, the potential to end up with a project that is not safe is a real possibility. Have it done right the first time by calling Hometown Electric. We will help you complete your project, and you’ll have the peace of mind that it was completed correctly! Call us today to schedule your appointment.
Loose connections can cause serious problems. In the least they can cause lose of power to your homes electrical connections, and could even cause a fire. Have your homes connections checked today with a Home Safety Inspection. Prevent major issues by catching minor mishaps early. We would love the chance to make your home safer. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.