The Guide to a Home Generator

//The Guide to a Home Generator

The Guide to a Home Generator

How to keep your home and family functioning?

The Guide to a Home Generator


We live in a power driven world. Have you ever thought about how important power is to you and your family in your home?  On a typical day your household appliances are running, a favorite tv show is being enjoyed, and computers are being utilized.  If your home loses electricity, everything and everyone is shutting down, but with a home generator you will have confidence in knowing your household will always remain running.


What causes a power outage, what is a home generator, and what are the benefits of installing a home generator?


Power outages  are common and can occur due to a multitude of reasons. Severe weather, such as lightning, rain, wind, heat and ice account for more than 50% of outages . Wildlife animals, yes our little furry friends, can wreak havoc by damaging connection lines. Equipment failure and new construction involving excavation digging all can cause loss of power to your home.


A home generator is a useful appliance that supplies electrical power during a power outage. It ensures you have temporary power until the main connection is re-established as well as supports crucial appliances and ensures complete functionality of your home. Simply put, power you control despite outages so no one is left in the dark.


Installing a home generator provides peace of mind that you are keeping your home and loved ones safe by protecting your family against food shortages, house fires and CO2 poisoning.  This wise investment also offers some financial benefits such as avoiding major expensive repairs coupled with a possible discount on your homeowners insurance. After all who doesn’t want to save money.


You will want to consult with an experienced electrician before investing in a home generator, they will help you determine your power needs, assist in choosing the appropriate type and size of home generator, and educate you on its safety and use.


Begin your “Hometown Advantage” by contacting Hometown Electric. Here’s to a safe and happy home where power outages are never an issue!

Check out our special financing rates for Generators on our specials page here.

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(770) 485-5153